Using Siri and Fitdigits Apps

“(Start/launch) an (indoor/outdoor) (workoutName) workout (with/on) <iCardio>”

There are 5 simple commands that Siri will recognize:
1) Start workout – “Start an outdoor run workout with <iCardio>”
2) Cancel Workout – “Cancel <iCardio> workout”
3) Pause Workout – “Pause my <iCardio> workout”
4) Resume Workout – “Resume <iCardio> workout”
5) End My Workout – “End <iCardio> workout”

All command can be said as above as well as the start command can be build out, however you want to say it. You can attempt to say “(Start/launch) an (indoor/outdoor) (workoutName) workout (with/on) iCardio” and if Siri recognized the location and workout it will start right up with those variables. If Siri has trouble understanding or deciphering you will be prompted to choose the workout type and location just as if you said “Start Workout.”

If Siri requests you to unlock your phone, you may be able to get around it through settings: