Fitdigits Alarms Helped Regulate My Heart Rate

Testimonial from Fitdigits User – Dorothy C. I am 61-years old and went to my doctor because of heart palpitations. My blood pressure was up and my doctor scheduled a treadmill stress test. Everything checked out OK but my doctor insisted I use medication to lower my blood pressure. I convinced her to let me … Read more

The Importance of Eating Post Workout

When we work out our bodies must provide energy to power the muscles in movement. Glycogen, a primary energy source, expends during the course of a workout and must be restored afterward. Eating post work out is an effective way to counteract the depletion of glycogen, and research suggests eating carbohydrates and protein is the … Read more

Rehab It with Fitdigits

Testimonial from Fitdigits User – Allen N. My story may be similar to many other people that are looking for ways to increase their cardiovascular health or general physical condition. This story has been many years in the making and has many chapters that cover a multiple of activities that have produced many different levels … Read more