Tracking Weight with Fitdigits

Track your weight on your Fitdigits apps. Get the most accurate caloric burn while tracking activities, understand your patterns and body better, and even set goals around your weight too!

We get weight data from a variety of our partners, but also offer the ability to manually enter, edit and delete entries too.

To manually enter your weight:
1. Open your Fitdigits app, tap Menu > Health Vitals
2. Tap Weight
3. Tap “+” sign located at the top right of the screen.
4. Enter your weight, tap Save. (You can also change the date on a weight entry by tapping on the Date.)

To manually delete a weight entry:

1. From the same screen, swipe from left to right to delete any of the manually entered weight entries. (A red delete icon will appear.)
2. Tap delete and the entry will be erased from your dashboard.

Note you can only delete manually entered weight entries, you cannot delete a weight entry from Withings or other partners.

Setting weight goals with Fitdigits apps