What is FitRank?

Countless Fitdigits Crusaders constantly consider FitRank, a metric proudly presented in perpetuity on the Profile page. Your quest for truth ends here. You can easily change your FitRank or VO2 Max by tapping on the respective areas – they are tied though, so change one you change the other!

My Fitness in Profile


Fitdigits’s FitRank is a metric that is designed to take a persons’ VO2 Max, estimated by an Assessment or manual input if you know it from a Metabolic Assessment, and rank it on a scale of 1 to 100 based on your Age. We don’t give out more than a 100 – sorry! 100 is excellent, a 1 certainly could use improvement.

We used Polar’s VO2 Max tables – they have pulled them down since but standard tables are fairly common around the internet like:


We went a bit further than these, however, and actually did a 1 to 100 allocation and again a year-by-year age allocation, so, for example, instead of Ages 18-25 having a “good” VO2 Max value of 52-60, we allocated the range of 52-60 over the years 18, 19, 20, etc.

We hope you enjoy the FitRank metric, and watch it go, as you get healthier, all the way to a perfect 100!