Customize Your In-Activity Dashboards – iOS

(View for Android)

Sometimes default views just don’t tell the whole story. When you are ready to customize the stats you want to see, where you want to see them, it’s time to work with Fitdigits Custom Dashboards.

Each workout type has a different a unique dashboard, allowing you to only see what is appropriate for each workout type, but can also be fully customized or expanded on.

Customizing your Fitdigits workout dashboard

  1. Go to the Fitdigits home screen and select the Workout type you wish to customize your dashboard for.
  2. Tap the Gear (Activity Settings) icon > Options > Dashboards.
  3. Tap the green + icon in the top right to create a new dashboard, or tap the grey > arrow to the right of any customized dashboard to edit that dashboard.
  4. Tap on the location of the metric you wish to edit. Now specify a main metric and two secondary metrics.
  5. Tap on the metric you wish to change, and then choose what metric you wish to display in the designated spot during a workout, or remove that metric from showing by tapping Remove in the top right.
  6. If you don’t have 3 metrics in one of the 4 tile sections, there will be a green + on the right side. Tap that if you want to add another metric to the view.
  7. You will be taken back to the metrics page to review the new metrics and make any changes to other metrics. When you are satisfied, tap the > arrow in the upper left. If creating a new Dashboard, you will be prompted to save the changes and name the dashboard. If you are editing a dashboard, changes will be automatically saved.

Viewing / Adding Multiple Dashboards

In Fitdigits iOS apps you have the ability to have multiple workout dashboards in a single workout. This is especially useful if you are using custom workouts or using multiple sensors. It can be very helpful to have one dashboard per sensor. For example, one dashboard tracking distance, speed and cadence. Another dashboard for heart rate, calories and time elapsed. A third dashboard for zone stats if you are using custom heart zones.

To activate a dashboard, simply follow the steps above, but check, or uncheck, the dashboards you want to use in workout for an activity. Active dashboards will show with a blue check next to them for the specific activity type.

To view the multiple dashboards in-app, simply swipe to the right or left through them.